FanArt Album (Juanjo Guarnido in the Freak Kitchen)

par Blacksadmania l'univers de la série Blacksad  -  17 Mars 2014, 21:27  -  #L'univers Blacksad, #Fan Art 9e Art Blacksad

So many people areinspired by Blacksad and our project that we wanted to share their beautiful creations with everybody ! Thanks friends !  Art by Marcello Sousa

So many people areinspired by Blacksad and our project that we wanted to share their beautiful creations with everybody ! Thanks friends ! Art by Marcello Sousa

So many people are inspired by Blacksad and our project that we wanted to share their beautiful creations with everybody ! Thanks friends !  dessin de Eric Igoulen

So many people are inspired by Blacksad and our project that we wanted to share their beautiful creations with everybody ! Thanks friends ! dessin de Eric Igoulen

So many people are inspired by Blacksad and our project that we wanted to share their beautiful creations with everybody ! Thanks friends  ART BY HADRIEN GOUEDARD

So many people are inspired by Blacksad and our project that we wanted to share their beautiful creations with everybody ! Thanks friends ART BY HADRIEN GOUEDARD

So many people are inspired by Blacksad and our project that we wanted to share their beautiful creations with everybody ! Thanks friends ! ART BY VICENTE CIFUENTES

So many people are inspired by Blacksad and our project that we wanted to share their beautiful creations with everybody ! Thanks friends ! ART BY VICENTE CIFUENTES

So many people are inspired by Blacksad and our project that we wanted to share their beautiful creations with everybody ! Thanks friends !  Art by Gihèn Ben Mahmoud

So many people are inspired by Blacksad and our project that we wanted to share their beautiful creations with everybody ! Thanks friends ! Art by Gihèn Ben Mahmoud

So many people are inspired by Blacksad and our project that we wanted to share their beautiful creations with everybody ! Thanks friends ! Art by Capia

So many people are inspired by Blacksad and our project that we wanted to share their beautiful creations with everybody ! Thanks friends ! Art by Capia

So many people are inspired by Blacksad and our project that we wanted to share their beautiful creations with everybody ! Thanks friends ! Art by Alberto Hernandez Rivero

So many people are inspired by Blacksad and our project that we wanted to share their beautiful creations with everybody ! Thanks friends ! Art by Alberto Hernandez Rivero

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